Streaming Operator in SystemVerilog(Pack/Unpack):
The streaming operator uses the terminology pack when you take multiple variables and stream them into a single variable. And conversely, unpack is when you stream a single variable into multiple variables.
Let’s understand through the below example:
class packet;
bit [7:0] s_addr;
bit [7:0] d_addr;
bit [7:0] d_length;
bit [7:0] crc;
function void pack(ref bit [31:0] bytes[$]);
bytes = { >> {s_addr, d_addr, d_length, crc}};
endfunction : pack
function void unpack(ref bit [31:0] bytes[$], ref packet pkt);
{ >> {pkt.s_addr, pkt.d_addr, pkt.d_length, pkt.crc}} = bytes;
endfunction : unpack
endclass : packet
program main;
packet pkt;
packet pkt_1;
bit [31:0] bytes[$];
initial begin
pkt = new();
pkt.s_addr = 8'h8C;
pkt.d_addr = 8'h00;
pkt.d_length = 8'hA4;
pkt.crc = 8'hFF;
void '(pkt.pack (bytes));
foreach (bytes[i])
$display("PACK: bytes[%0d]=%0h", i, bytes[i]);
pkt_1 = new();
pkt.unpack(bytes, pkt_1);
$display("UNPACK : s_addr=%h, d_addr=%h, d_length=%h, crc=%h", pkt_1.s_addr, pkt_1.d_addr, pkt_1.d_length, pkt_1.crc);
endprogram : main